The UK Postcode Database

BT52 2AF

a postcode in Causeway Coast and Glens

Introduced in December 1984
BT52 2AF Normal (geographic) postcodes Large user postcodes

The nearby postcodes map only shows currently active postcodes. Postcode markers will cluster if they are close together, which may happen in densly populated built-up areas or where single premises have multiple postcodes.


Latitude: 55.1388 / 55°8'19"N

Longitude: -6.6615 / 6°39'41"W

UTM Reference: 29U 649062 6112734

OS Easting: 285411

OS Northing: 433218

OS Grid: SC854332

Location Encoding

Mapcode Local: IRL QV.3FJ3

Mapcode Global: GBR SZ.FDQV

Open Location Code: 9C7M48QQ+GC

Maidenhead Locator System: IO65qd03


Urban/Rural Indicator:

ONS Population Classification: 8c2

  • Hard-Pressed Living
  • Hard-Pressed Ageing Workers
  • Ageing Rural Industry Workers

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): 398 / 890

  • 5th decile
  • slightly more deprived

Demographics are based on the LSOA containing this postcode and not necessarily this postcode alone

Sun and Moon Times for BT52 2AF on Sunday 16 March 2025

Astromomical twilight begins (full darkness ends) 04:34
Nautical twilight begins (First light) 05:19
Civil twilight begins (Dawn) 06:01
Sunrise 06:37
Transit (sun is at its highest) 12:35
Sunset 18:32
Civil twilight ends (Dusk) 19:08
Nautical twilight ends (Nightfall) 19:51
Astromomical twilight ends (full darkness starts) 20:35
Hours of daylight today06:07 to 19:02
Hours of darkness tonight
(lighting-up time)
19:02 to 06:05
Moon Phase Waning Gibbous
Moon Sets 07:05
Moon Rises 21:35

For a full sun and moon calendar for BT52 2AF, go to The Time and Place

Elected Representatives for BT52 2AF

United Kingdom Parliament

East Londonderry


Gregory Campbell DUP

Elected representative data is updated approximately monthly, so may not include recent by-elections or vacancies.

Government Statistical Services (GSS) data for BT52 2AF

CodeNameData TypeData ThemeActive SinceData Owner
N05000006 East Londonderry Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies Electoral 4 July 2024 BCNI
N08000438 University Electoral Wards Administrative/Electoral 1 April 2015 NISRA
N09000004 Causeway Coast and Glens Local Government Districts Administrative 1 April 2015 NISRA
N12000003 Coleraine Travel to Work Areas Other 31 July 2015 ONS
N19000810 Workplace Zones Census 31 December 2011 NISRA
N20001561 Coleraine_E1 Data Zones Census 21 March 2021 NISRA
N21000362 Coleraine_E Super Data Zones Census 21 March 2021 NISRA
N92000002 Northern Ireland Country Administrative 1 January 2009 ONS

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

The UK Postcode Database is a Good Stuff website.

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